Can You Wear Waist Trainer After Giving Birth?
Postpartum waist training is trending for new mums who want to go back to their pre-baby body. Even celebrities use waist trainers to help get their bodies back to shape. And now a lot of women are following this trend to bounce back their bodies after babies.
How to use a waist trainer
Waist training is wearing a high compression garment around your waistline giving your body support and a sculpted look. Make sure you get the right size. Poor fitting waist trainer are uncomfortable. And wearing too small or big won't help you achieve your goal. A waist trainer can help to slim and sculpt your midsection but your body needs time to adjust too so start with a looser fit and wear it for an hour or two a day until you are comfortable wearing it. It is recommended to wear it for eight hours a day to get the best results.
When to start using a waist trainer post-pregnancy
After giving birth, you need to give your body time to shrink your uterus back to normal size and remove the water retention gained during pregnancy. The process may take around 6 weeks before you can start waist training.
Waist trainers provides support, draw loose muscles and helps to reduce strain on ligaments and joints in the lower back, pelvis, and buttocks. It will help you to return to your pre-pregnancy body a lot more faster. By using a binding garment, the abdominal muscles go back to its original shape by pulling the muscles and skin closer together, and doctors have also accord to this.
Waist training works best with appropriate exercise and a balanced diet. Drink lots of water and eat healthy foods, and avoid sugar and refined carbs. You’ll feel more energized and your body will surely thank you as you respond to the needs of your child.
While you start out with a gentle exercise routine, gradually introduce higher intensity workouts with a mixture of strength training and cardio exercises. Ideally you’ll want to exercise almost every day.
Get started with waist training after post-pregnancy
Everyone is a little bit different, here’s what you can expect in the postpartum period if you want to start waist training.
Weeks 0–6: Once you’re home from the hospital, you can start wearing a garment that provides gentle compression and support for your abdomen. The compression of the garment helps keep swelling down while promoting tissue healing during your recovery process.
Also use this time to get a lot of rest, hydration, and nutritious food, while bonding with your newborn. Wear your waist trainer as long as it is comfortable, but take it off if you prefer to relax. You don’t need to wear it all the time.
Week 6: You can start wearing your waist trainer tighter and for longer periods. Wear a high compression waist trainer for just an hour or two at first per day, and then gradually add more time as you feel comfortable.
Now is also the time, if your healthcare provider gives the go-ahead, to start a gentle exercise regimen. Go for a walk with a stroller and establish a good routine. Even if you’re only wearing a waist trainer for a short period each day, your time exercising will be well spent.
Week 12: By now, you can expect to have normalized your new routine. If you’re practicing a daily waist training regimen, by now you should feel comfortable wearing your waist trainer for at least 8 hours a day. You can rotate between an everyday waist trainer for when you’re working or at home, and a workout band for when you’re exercising.
Remember, returning to your pre-pregnancy body takes time. Hormones that relax your muscles and ligaments will be in your system for up to 6 months after giving birth and it took 9 months to stretch out your body to begin with - so be patient!
So if you want to get back to your pre-pregnancy body shape, get your curvesculpting waist trainer now!